Return-path: X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;;Ted Anderson Received: from via trymail for +dist+/afs/ (->+dist+/afs/ (->ota+space.digests) ID ; Tue, 25 Jun 91 04:10:17 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: Precedence: junk Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Tue, 25 Jun 91 04:10:11 -0400 (EDT) Subject: SPACE Digest V13 #707 SPACE Digest Volume 13 : Issue 707 Today's Topics: Re: INFO: Clandestine Mars Observer Launch?? Re: Request For Discussion: Re: NASA budget crisis Administrivia: Submissions to the SPACE Digest/ should be mailed to Other mail, esp. [un]subscription requests, should be sent to, or, if urgent, to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 5 Jun 91 02:55:07 GMT From: unmvax!uokmax!occrsh!fang!tarpit!bilver!dona@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Don Allen) Subject: Re: INFO: Clandestine Mars Observer Launch?? In article <> (Gene Gross) writes: >In article <> writes: >>In article <1991May31.022927.35@bilver.uucp>, dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen) writes... >>> ParaNet has received information that Richard C. Hoagland, >>>the noted author of The Monuments of Mars - a book detailing a >>>possible surface anomaly on the planet, >> >>Hoagland is noted mainly for being a zealot who's rediscovered the fact that if >>you take enough random data, you'll be able to find a correlation with >>something in it. I've been able to spot SEVERAL humanoid faces in the >>acoustical tile on my ceiling. > >Actually, Hoagland didn't rediscover anything. The first viewing of >the "Face" was while the assembled "horde" waited for the photos to >come back from Mars to JPL. When the shot with the "Face" was put on >screen, the assembled scientists and journalists were a bit stunned. >You could have heard a pin drop during the few seconds that it took >for some bright scientist at JPL to quip "amazing what light and >shadows will do." > >nor is it anything like the face in the moon. This thing is so >distinct that it will capture your attention immediately. I have a book that has the reproduced JPL pic of the Cydonia area. It is to say the least..interesting. This topic is VERY should see some of the mail I'm getting on these postings..some of the "hate" mail comes from so-called "scientists" and "astronomers" who are VERY upset that I would DARE to cross-post to some of the sci* groups with this "crap"... What the so-called scientific community has shown me so far is they are FAR from being "open minded". Rather, they are narrow and RIGID. This only applies to just a _few_ individuals thus far, but what they don't realize is that I relish poking fun at their most cherished "notions" and IF they have such a watertight argument..then let's see some discussion, I'm more than willing to LISTEN and consider *their* views..but I will NOT be censored by small-minded and inflexible people JUST BECAUSE their education has drummed into their heads that "things are a certain way" and they won't bother to consider alternate viewpoints. Does this sound like a *challenge* to the "science-priestcraft"?? You bet! Nice to seeya around these parts, Gene. Don't be a stranger :-) Best regards, Don -- -* Don Allen *- InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP // Amiga..for the rest of us. USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^) UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona 0110 0110 0110 Just say NO! Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Jun 91 06:57:24 PDT From: (Jim Bowery) To: crash! Subject: Re: Request For Discussion: Doug Mohney writes: > ....Peter Yee and the other Official > NASA folks (ooops, can't remember the other one) who bring us daily updates, > GIFs, plus the orbital stuff should go into one group. > > This would leave open for the political lobbying which it was not > intended for.... The problem is the U.S. space program dominated by politics. You don't solve that problem by shutting down political free speech on the net. You do it by talking about the nature of the problem to see how you can change the rules of the game so space becomes less political. Changing the rules of the game requires political action. This is very similar to the problem encountered when JSC/Fred supporters, having played politics with space funding in prior years, now object to space scientists playing politics: "How dare people who are trying to do science engage in politics! Only politicians should engage in politics. Therefore, only JSC/Fred supporters should be allowed to engage in political action because we aren't scientists -- we are politicians POSING as scientists." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Bowery 619/295-3164 The Coalition for PO Box 1981 Science and La Jolla, CA 92038 Commerce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 6 Jun 91 18:20:42 GMT From: unmvax!uokmax!rwmurphr@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Robert W Murphree) Subject: Re: NASA budget crisis included is a list of congressmen in the house appropriations committee. Dear John Bahcall and Dr. Peter Boyce: I was interested in doing something to aid you all in politicing for space science and against the space station. So I have here reproduced a complete list of all 50 members of the house appropriations commitee. I got the list from Congressional Yellow Book (91). It was incorrect so beware-probably most of the people listed are correct. The source of the addresses and telephone numbers is the 1988 Almanac of American politics. Who knows if some of these addresses and telephone numbers are still current. I am assuming that the abbreviations RHOB and CHOB, etc. are acceptable by the post office. I also have tabled out a list of this commitee with data on key votes relating to space politics (for SDI, political lobby group ratings etc). If you are interested in that let me know. My phone number is (405) 447-7590 and (405) 329-8552. Good luck. 1991 HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS MEMBER LIST (arranged by state) Alabama Tom Bevill (D) 2302 RHOB, Wash. DC. 20515 Tel (202) 225-4876 Arkansas Bill Alexander (D) 233 CHOB, Wash. DC. 20515 Tel (202) 225-4076 Arizona Jim Kolbe (R) 1222 LHOB, Wash. DC. 20515 Tel (202) 225-2542 California Edward R. Roybal (D) 2211 RHOB, Wash. DC. 20515 Tel (202) 225-6235 {All succeeding entries have address Wash. DC. 20515 and area code and prefix (202) 225-XXXX} Julian C. Dixon (D) 2400 RHOB Tel 7084 Vic Fazio (D) 2433 RHOB Tel 5716 Nancy Pelosi (D) HOB Tel 4965 Jerry Lewis (R) 326 CHOB Tel 5861 Bill Lowery (R) 225 CHOB Tel 3201 Colorado David E. Skaggs (D) 1723 LHOB Tel 2161 Florida William Lehman (D) 2347 RHOB Tel 4211 Lawrence J. Smith (D) 113 CHOB Tel 7931 C.W. Bill Young (R) 2407 RHOB Tel 5961 Georgia Lindsay Thomas (D) 431 CHOB Tel 5831 Illinois Sidney R. Yates (D) 7234 RHOB Tel 2111 Richard J. Durbin (D) 417 CHOB Tel 5271 John Edward Porter (R) 131 LHOB Tel 4835 Indiana John T. Myers (R) 2372 RHOB Tel 5805 Iowa Jim Lightfoot (R) 1609 LHOB Tel 3806 Neal Smith (D) 2373 RHOB Tel 4426 Kentucky William H. Natcher (D) 2333 RHOB Tel 3501 Harold Rogers (R) 206 CHOB Tel 4601 Louisiana Bob Livingston (R) 2412 RHOB Tel 3015 Maryland Steny H. Hoyer (D) 1513 LHOB Tel 4131 Massachusetts Joseph D. Early (D) 2349 RHOB Tel 6101 Chester G. Atkins (D) 504 CHOB Tel 3411 Michigan Bob Traxler (D-commitee chairman) 2336 RHOB Tel 2806 Bob Carr (D) 2439 RHOB Tel 4872 Carl D. Pursell (R) 1414 LHOB Tel 4401 Minnesota Martin Olav Sabo (D) 2201 RHOB Tel 4755 Vin Weber (R) 106 CHOB Tel 2331 Nevada Barbara Vucanovich (R) 312 CHOB Tel 6155 New Jersey Bernard J. Dwyer (D) 404 CHOB Tel 6301 Dean A. Gallo (R) 1318 LHOB Tel 5035 New Mexico Joe Skeen (R) 1007 LHOB Tel 2365 New York Robert J. Mrazek (D) 306 CHOB Tel 5956 Mathew F. McHugh (D) 2335 RHOB Tel 6335 Bill Green (R-ranking minority member) 1110 LHOB Tel 2436 North Carolina W. G. Bill Hefner (D) 2161 RHOB Tel 3715 David E. Price (D) 1223 LHOB Tel 1784 Ohio Louis Stokes (D) 2365 RHOB Tel 7032 Marcy Kaptur (D) 1228 LHOB Tel 4146 Clarence E. Miller (R) 2208 RHOB Tel 5131 Ralph Regula (R) 2209 RHOB Tel 3876 Oklahoma Mickey Edwards (R) 2434 RHOB Tel 2132 Oregon Les AuCoin (D) 2159 RHOB Tel 0855 Pennsylvania John P. Murtha (D) 2423 RHOB Tel 2065 William H. Gray III (D) 204 CHOB Tel 4001 Lawrence Coughlin (R) 2467 RHOB Tel 6111 Texas Ronald D. Coleman (D) 416 CHOB Tel 4831 Jim Chapman (D) 429 CHOB Tel 3035 Charles Wilson (D) 2265 RHOB Tel 2401 Tom DeLay (R) 1039 LHOB Tel 5951 Virginia Frank R. Wolf (R) 130 CHOB Tel 5136 Washington Norman D. Dicks (D) 2429 RHOB Tel 5916 West Virginia Allan B. Mollohan (D) 516 CHOB Tel 4172 Wisconsin David Obey (D) 2217 RHOB Tel 3365 T T T Please call your congressmen to vote against the space station. It is in direct competition with NSF. :r /uokmax/users4/rwmurphr/D* ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V13 #707 *******************